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Behavioural Profile (DISC)

To improve your prospects of making an optimal career move and expanding your horizons you should seriously consider doing an on -line psychometric profile such as a DISC behaviour profile. This tool is used to assist people in getting the right job. To do a DISC Profile please click here.

Different people are inherently suited to certain types of jobs and not suited to other types of jobs. This is due to their underlying behaviour and the match to the underlying behaviour requirements of certain types of job.

The better this match then the better the chances an employee has of being successful in their chosen career type.

Mass Staffing Projects has teamed up with Axiom Software to offer myDISCprofile. This on-line psychometric profiling tool is used by leading companies in the world. A DISC profile describes a person's general approach, their motivations and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and some of the basic assumptions they make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react or perform in various circumstances.

So In Summary: 

  • Behavioural profiling tools helps candidates understand more about themselves and the roles for which they are most suited
  • myDISCprofile will map your behavioural style and motivations to assist you in job matching
  • This will give you insights into career choices and benefit you in terms of CV writing and interview preparation
  • The profile will assist you in understanding your strengths and in the end allow you to differentiate yourself from others in an interview and indeed in your career
  • The profile can be passed onto prospective employers if you decide that it could be your advantage to do so and the reports are easy to understand for any employer
  • In an interview situation the profile can assist you in describing your behaviour and how its fit to a certain position that you are applying for. As you have a credible framework and basis for this you are able to make such explanation in a lucid and convincing manner
  • This behavioural assessment allows a person to gain an in-depth insight as to their preferred workstyle and learn more about themselves and the jobs to which they are most suited. Each of these behaviour types has its own unique value in a team context, an environment that suits them better and different motivations.
  • The Assessment can help highlight areas of development

Psychometric testing is fast becoming an integral part of the recruitment process and indeed in developed economies the majority of employers are using such profiling before making a decision on making a job offer or conferring a promotion.

Click here, to help you understand yourself, the impact that you have on others and how you can capitalise on areas of development. This is a comprehensive system for describing a personality and the more you know about your behaviour then the more you'll be able to get out of it!

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Starting A New Job
Career Management
Behavioural Profile (DISC)
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